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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Montavilla Food Co-op?

On Monday October 19th from 7-9 pm at the Montavilla Food Co-op Working Group will meet at at the Montavilla Methodish Church, 232 SE 80th Avenue, to discuss starting up a co-op in the neighborhood. They have already hooked up with some Olympia folks who help people start co-ops and Lori Burge the development person at Peoples Food Co-op will be there to give her input. They want to have a storefront co-op and that they figure it will take about three years to pull that together, so in the meantime they will have a buying club. If you're interested in helping with this effort but can't make the meeting, join the group's email list.

1 comment:

  1. There will be another community meeting for the Montavilla Co-op on Monday, December 7th at the Montavilla Methodist Church. At this meeting, steering committees for both the storefront co-op and a soon-to-be-inaugurated bulk buying club will be reporting back on their work so far. We'll also be inviting community members to get involved in brainstorming our outreach plan for the next few months. More info? Contact Lydia at 503-807-0156 or at LHALLAY@gmail.com
